Monday, January 14, 2013

Sale of iphone 5 in different colors and sizes

Lately we finished not accustomed to an iphone model when his successor is already in door, many will say that you it's the interest in innovation that the company has and many others perhaps the majority will tweak more by exaggerated consumerism that Apple has generated with their devices.

Apple has become one of the leading brands in the market of smartphones and undoubtedly the favorite brand of compulsive buyers. Since the launch of the first iphone, the company has had us all the time to the expectation of his next model and is not for less because after many years, they were the first to achieve perfect harmony between Hardware and Software.

I know that many think that I am fan of Apple to referring to the iphone in this way, but as they say colloquially "what you see, it is not judged". But of course, many will agree that things have changed since the death of Steve Jobs, and the title of this post is proof enough of that. You could almost ensure that if Jobs continue to command of the company would never allow a line of colors, however according to several specialists, this option is quite likely.

Brian White, Topeka Capital Markets analyst says iphone 5s whose rumors claim will have as release date the months of June or July of 2013 could come in different colors, such as pink, blue, yellow and silver and even with a size of screen that provide different options.

So far has not seen an iphone's colors and much less that the same models is presented in various inches, although you can this company betting on personalization and the fact most widely meet the tastes of buyers.

White was not the only analyst to suggest this, formerly Peter Misek suggested 8 colors for the new model, and although it is worth mentioning that they are only speculations of analysts it is worth mentioning that most of their previous analysis have proved most successful.

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