Monday, January 7, 2013

Tips to prevent obesity

Heart disease and diabetes get the attention, but what are the other harmful consequences to health caused by obesity?

Excess weight can contribute to develop or worsen certain types of cancer, arthritis, apnoea and even infertility. But a new poll indicates that few people understand that correlation.

Only a quarter of Americans believe that it is possible to have a great excess weight and be healthy, according to the survey by The Associated Press-Center of research NORC's public affairs.

When asked for the most serious consequences, more than 7 in 10 Americans stand out as risk heart disease and diabetes. The coronary disorders are the leading cause of death in the United States, followed by diabetes and obesity.

Other consequences are not as well known.

"People is often stunned to know the extensive side effects of obesity," said registered dietitian Jennifer Dimitriou, of the Montefiore Medical Center in New York.

Only 7% of surveyed persons mentioned cancer, despite the fact that doctors known for some time that fat increases the risk of colon cancer, breast, prostate, uterus, and others. In addition, excess weight can hinder early detection of tumors and treat them.

In addition, excess weight unnecessarily punishes the joints, especially the knees. 45% Of those interviewed knew that obesity may contribute to the development of arthritis.

Hypertension, high cholesterol and stroke were among the last in the list. And the infertility was not even mentioned.

5% Put listed respiratory ailments. Studies show that overweight people have a higher risk of apnea and asthma, and that weight loss can improve these symptoms.

Knowing the consequences of obesity can motivate people to increase their activity and eat better before contracting a serious ailment, said Dimitriou.

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