Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tips to deal with a breakup

Then you are in love, and usually has a stable relationship, a future with the couple, is planned a perfect panorama, however, everything in life is unpredictable and this often allows the recognition of the famous saying "nothing is forever". And just at that moment all plans may go down, leaving disappointment, feelings with a rupture.

Most of the breaks always end up evil, hatred, pain, guilt invades the mind and the body of each be generating a strong personal ignorance. Doubts arise, how do I do that it hurts not?, what will he or she feel?, this breakdown will be forever? Then, what is you must do in reality?

"Accept the loss, assimilate what is happening and take time for oneself, is the main advice," says Dr. Chiquinquirá Blandon, a psychologist and founder of the love clinic in Medellin.

But actually it is not as easy as saying it, everyone knows it; It is a process through which must pass each person, that leaves and leave it at that.

For this reason, it is recommended:

• Leave things very clearly expressing what each feels so confronting reality.

• When we say: "No quiero estar Contigo", the best thing is to stand back and observe, that creates a space of time and an acceptance of the other's desire. Don't beg, don't plead and not threaten is most advisable to maintain a quiet aura with oneself and with others.

• Feel that loneliness hit life, find a new person to a new relationship will not ensure that you when the necessary mourning a loss occurs. It is not an option.

• Self-care is crucial, devote time to do things that help each like to not suffer the ignorance that is generated.

• Never be alone, find friends, share activities and memories of years ago that the spirit is renewed. It is important to have the option to go home only to sleep and than the most widely used space, is the bedroom, the room is renewed constantly, changing place the position of furniture, pictures, among others.

• Another very important recommendation of Dr. Chiquinquirá is generate a mind control, not imagine the other person with one or another, nor to ask with obsession why you left me?, why I suffer?, perform this mental activity is to see finished.

• Express the emotions in the way that you want, either crying, writing, singing, travelling, makes part of the duel.

On the other hand, when the relationship is very complicated and difficult and two people are aware of what is happening, a good way of not generating so much damage is through a preparation for the break with the help of a psychologist of couple. That way the expression of feelings and emotions, the reattachment to life which must begin to live without the other and finally recognition of personal and professional help will be generated.

At this point you can go to a personal psychologist, psychiatrist or specialist. Also read a book that talk about the subject to feel a more personal identification of what happens.

One of the recommendations is the book El Duelo affective of the DRA. Chiquinquirá. Everything about a breakup, is implying, tasks that are generated around this and finally recognition that the duel is a crisis of personal growth.

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