Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tips for sleeping well at night

Fatigue, tingling and posture long term deviations can be the main consequences of sleeping in an improper position. In addition to pain and muscle spasms in the region of the head, neck and back. Specialist neurological rehabilitation of Neurocenter, Sandra Alexandre, emphasizes factors such as elements and positions which are used at the time of sleep.

Mattress and pillow. The mattress should be firm, according to your weight, height and if you sleep only or accompanied in order to respect the natural alignment of your spine. In reference to the height of the pillow, he points out that correct is that which will keep the neck in the axis of the spine, preventing it from falling. This position typically requires that the pillow is higher in the case of sleep upwards. This height must be comparable with the hole that forms between your shoulder and the side of the head. "If this item is higher or lower, runs the risk of cervical contractures or injury", detailing the professional.

Prevent future illnesses. The expert recommends acquiring good habits and try to change the position gradually to a more appropriate position (see boxes). So the change is not so radical and therefore not cost us more mold us, ideally you try to sleep on your side. If you having trouble sleeping in a different position, again the use of extra pillows helps decrease stress in the pelvis and lumbar area. "People with herniated disc have to resort to this posture to make room in its vertebrae," specifies Alexandre.

Avoid. Avoid sleeping upside down or prone, since that position might seem the most comfortable, but is a terrible choice for the column.

Upside down. If you sleep on your belly upwards or supine position a pillow under your knee, to relax the muscles and reduce tension between the vertebrae. The knee should be slightly flexed or bent, thus avoiding the pains in the lower part of the back and use a not very high pillow, for not forcing your neck.

On one side. If you sleep on one side place a pad between the two knees to keep the column in perfect alignment, position the shoulder in front or behind the chest.

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